Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym LPS is...

LPS is

  • Lanterman Petris And Short
  • Local Pet Store
  • Linden Planning Systems

More Meanings For LPS:

  • Library Printing Services
  • Lanterman Petris And Short
  • Local Pet Store
  • Linden Planning Systems
  • Licensed Prevention Specialists
  • Laboratory For Planetary Sciences
  • Launch Processing (Processor) System
  • Liters Per Second
  • Latent Print Section
  • LipoPolySaccharide
  • Large Polyp Stony
  • Large Polyp Scleractinian
  • Large Polyp Stoneys
  • LipoPolySaccharide
  • Levator Palebrae Superioris

LPS is also in:

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