Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym WFF is...

WFF is

  • Women's Foodservice Forum
  • Worldwide Freight Forwarders
  • World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers

More Meanings For WFF:

  • Well Formed Formula
  • Women Faculty Forum
  • Women's Foodservice Forum
  • Worldwide Freight Forwarders
  • World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers
  • Work For Food
  • Well Formed Fact
  • Wee Forest Folk
  • Warsaw Film Festival
  • Warszawski Festiwal Filmowy
  • Winn Feline Foundation
  • Women for Faith and Family
  • World Fitness Federation
  • World Football Foundation
  • Weapons Factory Forum

WFF is also in:

Acronym Definition Searched: LANA ELMT 85085 GRE OKN VRF CP 46201 70521 XRT POS TRSI WEFL 20537 FDMP