Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym TPS is...

TPS is

  • Technology Precision And Service
  • Toyota Production System
  • Telephone Preference Service
  • Third Party Service
  • Transaction Processing System
  • Transferred Production Service
  • Third Party Solution

More Meanings For TPS:

  • Thermo Plastic Spacer
  • Tough Plastic Sheathed
  • Trans-Pacific Sections
  • Top Source Technologies, Inc.
  • Technical Processing Systems
  • The Perfect Solution
  • Technical Professional Services
  • Technology Precision And Service
  • Toyota Production System
  • Total Piece of Shit
  • Telephone Preference Service
  • Third Party Service
  • Transaction Processing System
  • Transferred Production Service
  • Third Party Solution

TPS is also in:

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