Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym LS is...

LS is

  • Linux Standalone
  • Language Sensitive
  • Laser Servo
  • Laser Serial
  • Login Shell
  • List Short
  • Logic Switch
  • List For Similar
  • Least Significant
  • Lacks Software
  • List Scheduling

More Meanings For LS:

  • List Star
  • Limit State
  • Least Squares
  • Large Scale
  • La Salle
  • Linear Superposition
  • Lone Star
  • Lingfords Specials
  • Lots Standard
  • Low Shrinkage
  • Labor Saving
  • Land Surveyor
  • Larry Schweikart
  • Law Select
  • Lip Synched

LS is also in:

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