Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym COB is...

COB is

  • Cut Out Background
  • Communities Of The Borough
  • Corn Oats Barley
  • Clive's Original Band
  • Clives Original Band
  • Create Organize Benefit
  • Clives Original Blastitude
  • Cult Of Bud
  • Cult Of Binky
  • Civilians On The Battlefield
  • Christian Online Buddy
  • Chick O Breast
  • Cattery Of Birth

More Meanings For COB:

  • Chip On Board
  • College Of the Bahamas
  • City Of Brass
  • College Of Business
  • Cost Of Borrowing
  • Columbia Labs, Inc.
  • Commission des Opérations de Bourse
  • Close Of Business
  • Continuous Open Bid
  • Carrying On Business
  • Continuity Of Business
  • Chairman Of the Board
  • Chief Of the Boat
  • Chip On Board
  • Children of Bodom

COB is also in:

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