Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym DACCS is...


  • Danville Area Council For Community Services
  • Divisional Artillery Command And Control System
  • Deployable Air Command And Control System
  • Diagnostic And Career Counselling Service
  • Dicksons Assisted Conception Clinic Scheme
  • Dickson Assisted Conception Clinic Scheme
  • Distributed Advanced Cluster Computer System

More Meanings For DACCS:

  • Digital Access Cross Connect System
  • Digital Access Cross-Connect System
  • Digital Access Cross Connect Switch
  • Danville Area Council For Community Services
  • Divisional Artillery Command And Control System
  • Deployable Air Command And Control System
  • Diagnostic And Career Counselling Service
  • Dicksons Assisted Conception Clinic Scheme
  • Dickson Assisted Conception Clinic Scheme
  • Distributed Advanced Cluster Computer System

DACCS is also in:

Acronym Definition Searched: RIL MKC 83847 72683 BAUD SASC 57027 VSC 32712 BEER LBG SRCB GHS DDF ADCON