Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym FPS is...

FPS is

  • Fictional Person Slash
  • Four Piece Suit
  • Future Problem Solving
  • Foremost Policyholders Service
  • Flex Protection System
  • Fields Per Second
  • Fast Paced Shooter
  • Focus Performance Success
  • French Public Service
  • First Person Shooting
  • Feminine Product Stuff
  • Far Positions Shooter
  • Friend Of Penn State
  • Fancy Play Syndrome
  • Feat Per Second
  • First Pitch Swinging
  • Frames Per Seconds
  • Frame Per Second
  • Framerates Per Second
  • Free Post Society
  • Fan Perkins And Sabin
  • First Person Sneaker
  • First Persion Shooter

More Meanings For FPS:

  • Future Problem Solvers
  • Four Point Surround
  • Four Point Stereo
  • Frames Per Second
  • First Person Saviour
  • Frames Per Second
  • First Person Shooter
  • Framing Pattern Sequence
  • Federal Protective Service (Department of Homeland Security)
  • First Person Shooters
  • Feet Per Second
  • Flight Per Second
  • Floating Point System
  • Focal Plane Structure
  • Forward Power Supply

FPS is also in:

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