Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym FV is...

FV is

  • Feature Vector
  • First Vision
  • Free Variables
  • Fifth Voyager
  • Formal Verifier
  • Fishing Vessel
  • Fair Value
  • Final Version
  • Farmer Von
  • Family Viewing
  • First Vertex
  • Fun Vaccine
  • Field Variety
  • Frenelin Valencia
  • Florissant Valley
  • Fan Version
  • Ferrite Voil
  • File Virtual
  • Field Value

More Meanings For FV:

  • Field Verify
  • Flawless Victory
  • Future Value
  • Firth Vickers
  • Fantasy Violence
  • Full Version
  • Functional Validation
  • Field Validation
  • Flight Version
  • Front View
  • From Val
  • Factor V
  • Flu Vomiting
  • Face Value
  • Frozen Vegetables

FV is also in:

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