Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym NS is...

NS is

  • Non State
  • Non Square
  • No Stress
  • Not Statistically
  • No Sound
  • Non Slip
  • Normal Systems
  • Not So
  • No Schooling
  • Never Surrender
  • New Student
  • Now Seen
  • Needham Schroeder
  • New Sudan
  • North Suburban
  • National Standard
  • No Stock
  • No Sample
  • Ns Stands
  • Noom Sao
  • Network Service
  • No Sleeve
  • The Night Santa
  • Normal Staff
  • No Styling
  • Not Slippery
  • Not Suitable
  • Non Significance
  • Nothing Submitted
  • Naughty Seduction
  • Neighborhood Study
  • Newton Second
  • Nice Shot
  • No State
  • Nut Sack
  • Non Scorable
  • New Ship
  • No Score
  • No Shows
  • Not Set
  • Natural Sound
  • No Significant
  • Naval Science
  • Net Stream
  • A Normal Sinus
  • Neostoic The Screen
  • Non Stick
  • No Sleeping
  • Nasty Spooky
  • Nations Of Strength
  • Nursing Student

More Meanings For NS:

  • Natural Science
  • Near Side
  • Nearby Star
  • Neutron Star
  • Number of Species
  • Not Significant
  • Non Scheduled
  • Not Satisfactory
  • Non-Symmetric
  • No Shunt
  • Network Series
  • Neue Serie
  • Not Significantly
  • Navier-Stokes equations
  • Non-Sale

NS is also in:

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