Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym PS is...

PS is

  • Pratitya Samutpada
  • Pre Series
  • Peaux Seches
  • Partial Switch
  • Photon Stop
  • Photometric Sample
  • Picture Sleeve
  • Piecewise Smooth
  • Productions Sample
  • Preventative Service
  • Private Stockroom
  • Personal Suffix
  • Pfunde Starke
  • Phase Space
  • Premenstal Syndrome
  • Personal Server
  • Ps Stands
  • Pressure Sensitive
  • Please Sire
  • Princess Sophie
  • Pretty Smart
  • Personal Safety
  • Product Size
  • President Sucks
  • Port Sarim
  • Pbsp See
  • Permanent Slog
  • Pathwork Studies
  • Puss Sack
  • Population Size
  • Probably Sucks
  • Pompous Sausage
  • Plambeck Sietas
  • Power Setting
  • Pritty Shit
  • Phosphorylated Serine
  • Property Specification
  • Power Sum
  • Project Studio
  • Pagos Seleccionados
  • Physical State
  • Probably Something
  • Pitching Staff
  • Play School
  • Pedestal Sub
  • Pre Signatorum
  • Proxy Stub
  • Period Sydrome
  • Psssssss Shouldnt
  • Perfectly Sane
  • Parametric Stereo
  • Polzter Surprise
  • Problem Set
  • Plating Shop

More Meanings For PS:

  • Porous Silicon
  • Pulse Shaping
  • Polar Stereographic
  • Pulse Shape
  • Per Second
  • Pirate School
  • Positively Superior
  • Payson Smith Hall, University of Southern Maine
  • Point Source
  • Purchase Sale
  • Power Solutions
  • Prestwood Software
  • Production Sample
  • Political Skills
  • Performance Spectrum

PS is also in:

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