Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym SPF is...

SPF is

  • Small Poisonous Frogs
  • Stateful Packet Filter
  • Stephen Paul Farber
  • Sun Play Fun
  • Sender Policy Framework
  • Southern Powerlifting Federation
  • Spruce Pine And Fir
  • Smart People Factory
  • Should Put First
  • Site Point Forums

More Meanings For SPF:

  • Spruce Pine Fir
  • Shortest Path First
  • Skin Protection Factor
  • Sale Pending Funds
  • Standard Pacific Corporation
  • Slide Presentation File
  • Sunbelt Personal Firewall
  • Summertime Phone Functionality
  • Single Project Funding
  • Spacelab Processing Facility
  • Software Production Facility
  • Single Point Failure
  • Sphincter Pucker Factor
  • Sender Permitted From
  • Sun Protection Factor

SPF is also in:

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