Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms.
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The meaning of the Acronym CAS is...

CAS is

  • Case Analysis System

More Meanings For CAS:

  • Chemical Abstract Service
  • Chemical Abstracts Service
  • Chemical Abstract Services
  • Charged Atom System
  • Column Address Strobe
  • Computer Algebra System
  • Centre For Applied Statistics
  • Course Applicability System
  • Certificate Of Advanced Study
  • College of Arts and Science
  • Committee on Atmospheric Sciences
  • Commission for Atmospheric Sciences
  • Common Analysis Structure
  • Centre Of African Studies
  • Curriculum Administration System

CAS is also in:

Acronym Definition Searched: 17023 WXDM COM DAS ASR IRDP KKW AG WMTD WCIS WW1 58272 RLC PSI SAS